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    Expert Profile

    Robert Ochs

    Dec 2010
    Ask me a Question
    • Responses: 55
    • Library Solutions: 31


    • BA, Alfred University, 1987
    • NYS teacher certification, City University of New York-Lehman College, 1992
    • MA, Ed., University of Phoenix Online, 2006


    • English Language and Literature
    • History
    • Drama, Film, and Mass Communication
    • Education

    Robert's BrainMass Content

    Solution Library


    Question 1: Define the Mercantilist system and its effects on the colonies proir to 1760. Also explain the initial colonial reaction to this system

    History / North American History » 388766

    Interview with Fluent Speaker of Second Language

    I need to write an article in the district-wide newsletter about second language fluency. I have determined that an interview with someone who is fluent in a second language would be a great way to deliver information in the article.

    Create 10 questions inquiring how this person learned. Question READ MORE »

    Education / Schools & Communities » 417974

    World War 1 Propaganda

    Go to: http://www.firstworldwar.com/posters/usa.htm. This site offers dozens of propaganda images from World War I. Browse through these sets of posters.

    What messages did they send to the American people? What themes did they emphasize?

    What actions did they promote? Support your answers wi READ MORE »

    History / North American History » 382922

    Exploring questions of 1968: the Summer of Hate

    Explore the following question: One commentator has called 1968 the Summer of Hate. During this year, the Tet offensive began in January, Martin Luther King was assassinated in Memphis in April, Robert Kennedy was assassinated in Los Angeles in June, and protestors and police clashed on television a READ MORE »

    History / North American History » 386327
    Robert has 31 solutions available for instant download. View all.

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