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    Expert Profile

    J Pye

    Apr 2014
    Ask me a Question
    • Responses: 758
    • Library Solutions: 438


    • MSc, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, 1997
    • MBA, University of California, Riverside, 1994
    • BSc, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, 1991


    • Mathematics
    • Business
    • Computer Science
    • Statistics

    J's BrainMass Content

    Solution Library

    Nash Equilibrium / Sequential GamesSequential move games

    15-4. Salary Negotiation
    The following represents the potential outcomes of your first salary negotiation after graduation:
    Assuming this is a Sequential Move Game with the employer moving first, indicate the most likely outcome. Does the ability to move first give the employer an advantage? I READ MORE »

    Economics / Managerial Economics / Game Theory » 578731

    Firestone Tire Company Case Study using Grid method

    Please see case study "Fireside Tire Company" ( file attached) and answer the following Case Questions (file attached).

    1. Base on the available information, is Atlanta the best location for a distribution center to serve the southeastern region? If not, what would you recommend?

    2. The Firesi READ MORE »

    Business / Strategy and Business Analysis / Management Tools and Techniques / Business Process Improvement and Reengineering » 581242

    Home Free General Contractor Game Show

    Game Overview
    ● There are 15 toolboxes, each holding a prize of a set value.
    ● As the contestant, you must begin the game by randomly select one toolbox. The value hidden in this toolbox is what you will win if you choose to keep it throughout the game, but you will have multiple chances to tr READ MORE »

    Statistics / Probability » 612101

    NPV, Payback Period, Time Value of Money

    I need help with a self-review study questions. This is the text we are using.
    Thomas P. Edmonds, Bor-Yi Tsay, and Phillip R. Olds., Fundamental Managerial Accounting Concepts, 6th ed., McGraw-Hill Erwin (2011).

    The CFO of Advo Corporation is considering two investment opportunities.

    The READ MORE »

    Business / Accounting / Management Accounting » 586548

    Statistics Multiple Choice Question and Answer

    Ali says that when many people observe an accident, the victim is less likely to receive assistance. Ali believes that there is a _____ correlation between these variables.
    A. small
    B. large
    C. negative
    D. positive.

    A politician makes the following claim in a speech: "Correlation a READ MORE »

    Statistics / Correlation and Regression Analysis / Linear Regression / Simple Linear Regression » 642721
    J has 438 solutions available for instant download. View all.

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