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    XML Document Type Definitions (DTDs)

    28 Pages | 4,925 Words

    This book describes creation of Extensible Markup Language (XML) documents and Document Type Definitions (DTD) for the XML documents. This book provides an introduction to fundamental concepts related to creation of XML documents as well as step-by-step demonstration for creating document type definitions for XML documents.

    This book is ideal for under-graduate students seeking an understanding of the way document type definitions are created for XML document. This book is also suitable for under-graduate students who are working with XML web applications and have a basic understanding of XML. Basic knowledge of XML is essential for understanding the topics covered in this book.

    An Introduction to XML Document Type Definitions (DTDs)

    XML is a flexible technology and an industry-wide standard used for describing information structure in documents. XML is not only emerging as an alternative to Electronic Document Interchange (EDI) but is also likely to play an important role with the emergence of the future generations of web technologies. With increasing popularity of electronic commerce, especially business-to-business e-commerce, the importance of XML will increase. To validate XML documents, we need either a document type definition or a schema. This book deals extensively with the concepts related to creation of a document type definition. Solved examples with a detailed step-by-step explanation presents readers with a clear understanding of the steps involved in creating XML documents with document type definitions (DTD). At the end of this book readers will be able to create and work with XML documents as well as document type definitions (DTDs), both internal as well as external.