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    Laws Affecting Compensation and Benefits

    31 Pages | 5,710 Words

    This eBook describes laws pertaining to compensation and benefits. Covered in this eBook you will find the Labor Standards Act; Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996; Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985; Employee Retirement Income Security Act; and the Federal Wage Garnishment Law. The benefits an employee receives are an important part of the total compensation package and these laws covered define certain aspects of salary, wages, and other factors that are necessary to know since they shape and affect the overall benefits plan.

    This eBook is a resource for students studying management or human resources topics and for managers with supervisory or human resources positions It can also be helpful to anyone concerned with their rights regarding compensations and benefits.

    An Introduction to Laws Affecting Compensation and Benefits

    There is a significant amount of legislation regarding employment. The vastness of this legislation makes it important that this legislation be broken down into content areas. This eBook is not attempting to cover anything other than current legislation that pertains to compensation and benefits.

    Today unlike days gone byUnlike days gone by, businesses today - , whether private or public -, cannot just act on a whim when instituting policies pertaining to compensation and benefits. The private sector, as long as they remain within legal guidelines, can determine their own compensation strategy. The public sector s compensation strategy is governed by legislation in most every aspect.

    Whether you are a student, ; employer, or employee, it is important to understand how these laws benefit or affect you.