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ISO 9000 Certification

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Please address the following scenario.

Dolan Company is in the business of making custom computers and these computers are extensively tested to ensure they function before they are shipped to the customer. Considering this extensive testing process, some do not believe the company will have anything to gain from being ISO 9000 certified. Do you agree? Please explain.

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Solution Summary

The response provides you a structured explanation of why Dolan Corporation should go in for ISO 9000 certification . It also gives you the relevant references.

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Even though Dolan Company is in the business of making customer computers and these are extensively tested, Dolan still has to gain a lot from being ISO 9000 certified. When Dolan is ISO certified, the process being used by it is documented, reviewed, and approved. The computer design will also be approved that it meets applicable safety, regulatory, and customer requirements. If the custom make computers by ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc , University of Calcutta
  • MBA, Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management
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