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Conflict resolution in the workplace

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1. Identify and briefly describe an issue that you have wanted to discuss with a friend, family member or co-worker but have avoided discussing. What are your reasons for wanting to have this discussion? What are your fears and concerns? What are the costs of not having the discussion? What suggestions from this week's readings could you use to help you engage the person in this difficult conversation?

2. You and your colleague share an office. You find the office hot and stuffy, so you turn on the air conditioning. Your colleague finds the office too cold and wants to turn on the heat. You suggest a compromise, leaving both the heat and the air conditioning off. Your colleague asks whether there isn't a better solution. What is the nature of the conflict? How else can you resolve the conflict?

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The solution explains conflict resolution in a workplace setting by providing concise yet comprehensive perspectives in the form of an APA-format essay that directly discusses, explains and provides examples/answers to question listed in the original postings (see problem/long description).

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OTA 105878/Xenia Jones

1. Identify and briefly describe an issue that you have wanted to discuss with a friend, family member or co-worker but have avoided discussing. What are your reasons for wanting to have this discussion? What are your fears and concerns? What are the costs of not having the discussion? What suggestions from this week's readings could you use to help you engage the person in this difficult conversation?

Work Issues

I have worked for several years now with a person I consider a close friend. We have the same clerical and services job at the local retail outlet and we get along fine. I am deeply concerned about her as she is a genuinely good person, the kind who is trusting and nice to others and sees the good things in them even when others don't. She recently went into a relationship with an individual whom I see as problematic. He is charming and she is clearly flattered by his attention. She has not had a relationship for years and she is not ...

Solution provided by:
  • MPhil/PhD (IP), Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • MA, Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • Certificate, Geva Ulpan (via Universita Tel Aviv)
  • BA, University of the Philippines
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