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When working in the area of strategic management, you will often be asked to look at what appears to be a strategic initiative on the part of another company and speculate as to what the strategy behind the initiative really is. In other words, what is the company really trying to do and why? You will find that you have to use your knowledge of business and strategic management to penetrate the rhetoric and determine what is really behind it.
Explore the Altria website (formerly Philip Morris): http://www.altria.com/responsibility/4_6_environmentagriculture.asp

1. Characterize Altria's commitment to the environment?
2. Do you think this commitment will offset the environmental issues with the tobacco company? Provide support for your opinion.
3. What are Altria's real strategic reasons for these environmental initiatives?

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The solution discusses - When working in the area of strategic management, you will often be asked to look at what appears to be a strategic initiative on the part of another company and speculate as to what the strategy behind the initiative really is. In other words, what is the company really trying to do and why? You will find that you have to use your knowledge of business and strategic management to penetrate the rhetoric and determine what is really behind it.
Explore the Altria website (formerly Philip Morris): http://www.altria.com/responsibility/4_6_environmentagriculture.asp

1. Characterize Altria's commitment to the environment?
2. Do you think this commitment will offset the environmental issues with the tobacco company? Provide support for your opinion.
3. What are Altria's real strategic reasons for these environmental initiatives?

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I truly enjoyed assisting with your post. The material below addresses the questions set forth. Please be advised that I am the original author of the attached document. The attached document has citations from internet articles but the citations are properly cited and the reference link is provide to assist you further.

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1. Characterize Altria's commitment to the environment?

Altria's commitment to the environment is the company is going green and using all of its resources to reduce waste and decrease significantly its environmental footprint. Altria is not the first such business to do so. So many are going green a national conference on the subject is upcoming.

"Sustainable manufacturing, defined as the "creation of manufactured products that use processes that are non-polluting, conserve energy and natural resources, are economically sound, and safe for employees, communities and consumers" is here to stay. Leading US manufacturers are now upgrading their manufacturing process and developing and marketing a wide range of new products." (Green Manufacturing 2009)

Altria has joined those who produce much but have decreased waste. The company's goal is to reduce carbon monoxide by 10%, reduce its waste by 15% and recycle as much as possible. (Altria 2009) For a company of this magnitude, these percentage factors are truly significant.

Just because a company decides it will reduce waste is not an instant "hooray" for the business and its reputation. "If they ever hope to maximize the value of their reputations, companies must make reputation management a fundamental part of the corporate culture and value system. Companies must spread the message of reputation management throughout the organization and make ...

Solution provided by:
  • Master of Business Administration, University of Phoenix
  • Bachelor of Science in Paralegal Studies, Kaplan College
  • Business Diploma, Katharine Gibbs Business College for Women
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