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Recruiting staffing

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First part disc W-3
Please answer the questions:

1- Is it also possible that internal candidates have also developed some bad habits and are so engrained in the existing culture that even though they might be creative people they are still working the party line...the same old way of doing things? Isn't it possible for even internal top talents to be entitled and not really doing their best, best, to contribute?

2- Isn't it true that some people aren't going to move "up" in the organization and will spend a certain number of years in a specific job until they leave the company? Not everyone is a college grad in a professional career track.

Second Part W-3

3- We do want to attract the candidates who actually qualify for the position. Today everyone seems to apply for everything in hopes of getting lucky. What do you say in a job posting...inside or outside...that attracts the right applicants?

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This explanation provides you a comprehensive argument relating to Recruiting staffing

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1-Is it also possible that internal candidates have also developed some bad habits and are so engrained in the existing culture that even though they might be creative people they are still working the party line...the same old way of doing things? Isn't it possible for even internal top talents to be entitled and not really doing their best, best, to contribute?

It s possible that internal candidates have developed bad habits and are ingrained in existing culture so the productivity of the present employees is not high. This situation if widespread in the company can be handled through organizational change. There should be a change in structure as well as a change in culture. The employees must know that the way of doing things have now changed. These changes combined with an effective performance evaluation system will help shake the employees from the old ways of doing ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc , University of Calcutta
  • MBA, Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management
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