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Developing a Staffing Plan for an Organization

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I am developing a staffing plan for the organization. I need to determine how many people I will need to hire and in what functional areas (manufacturing, operations, customer service, distribution, marketing, finance/accounting). Develop strategies to recruit the appropriate applicants. Complete with references.

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This solution assists in develop a strategy to recruit appropriate applicants in approximately 1,108 words with references.

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Staffing is a process of recruiting, selecting and hiring new employees. The policy must be to attract the best of the talent across the globe. The organization has to use the right recruitment, selection, orientation and training strategy to develop a talented pool of human resources. According to summit-nation.com, an effective staffing system consists of five steps:

1. Painting a picture of the ideal candidate
2. Developing a cadre of qualified candidates
3. Screening the candidates
4. Interviewing and checking references
5. Making the hiring decision

The staffing plan is necessary so that the HR department fully understands the requirements for the team needed to meet this projects' agreed deliverables. The staffing plan will detail the criteria, selection and hiring process for the new resources. HR must be provided the necessary information to staff the project team with appropriate individuals at an acceptable cost.

The goals of the staffing plan are to meet specific time, cost and quality objectives; the result must be a qualified and appropriately skilled project team in place for the start of the project. The coordination of this effort in a documented staffing plan is the most efficient medium with which to meet this target. More and more companies have noticed that good staffing planning can increase productivity and reduce operational costs because of lower turnover rates and reduced transition costs.

Key factors regarding recruiting

In a time when many companies are cutting costs across their operations, a growing number of HR departments are changing the ways they recruit. Their goal: to boost recruiting efficiency (reducing recruiting costs per hire). Their means: innovative recruiting approaches that bring imagination and aggressiveness to a company's overall recruiting function. Thus it is ...

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