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Diversity and demographics in the workplace

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Select four types of diversity and demographic characteristics from the list below and examine the impact of each on individual behavior:

a. Ethnicity
b. Gender
c. Age
d. Socioeconomic status
e. Sexual orientation (affinity)
f. Religion
g. Geographical differences (rural versus urban; inner city versus suburban)
h. Occupation
i. Differences in skills and abilities
j. Personality traits
k. Value and attitude differences

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A discussion on how some issues of diversity or demographic characterizations can affect an organization's culture.

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Ethnicity, Age, Geographical Differences:

Ethnicity is a big influence on behavior, because ethnicity includes traditions and values. Ethnicity is more than race or color. Ethnicity includes cultural behaviors such as respect for the aged, or goods you eat, or what is acceptable dress. For many the ideas of other cultures are frightening. But as we often see in the foods we eat in the U.S. this is less about food and more about fear of the unknown or change. People now like to eat Mexican, sushi (Japanese), Indian or Thai foods in restaurants and to cook at home. Not too long ago those kinds of foods were not available to many people. Italians do not always join the mob and kill people, and Irish do not spend all their time in bars, and this is thought to be what those people who are Italian or Irish do. Unfortunately, television does not help. When people see themselves portrayed as different they feel slighted. This may make them behave in ways that they normally would not. Ethnic traditions may include religion or family as different from other perceptions. They may have different holidays or attend church services more often or on a different day. Some ethnic traditions mean that all members of families live together, grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, cousins. Sometimes the person dresses differently or does not participate in some activities due to their ethnic beliefs and values. This is not wrong, just different. But being different is not always ...

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