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Supportive Communication

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Read the following scenarios and discuss how you would handle each situation. Pay particular attention to the eight attributes of supportive communication. The goal is to resolve each scenario effectively and efficiently through supportive communication.

1. You are the manager of the marketing department for a corporation. You oversee 25 employees. There are two employees who seem to be in constant conflict with one another because they do not know how to effectively communicate with each other. The inability to communicate effectively and constant conflict has affected the other workers and lowered productivity. You, as the manager, need to get the situation under control. What do you do? What advice can you offer about supportive communication?
2. You and a coworker were assigned to a new project together. You are both responsible for splitting the workload and presenting your final outcomes to upper management in six weeks. You find that you are picking up the slack for your coworker who has been out sick and making excuses for why his/her portion of the project is not complete. You are feeling frustrated and angry but you do not want to go to your boss. What could you do? How will supportive communication improve the situation?
3. You share an apartment with one other person. Your roommate is constantly making messes and not doing his/her fair share of the cleaning and chores. Your frustration has gotten the better of you and you angrily confront your roommate. An argument ensues and leaves everyone upset but nothing resolved. Why did this communication fail to resolve the issue and how could you communicate more effectively in the future?

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Word document attached explains how to handle 3 situations to do with facilitating good communication among employees.

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Read the following scenarios and discuss how you would handle each situation. Pay particular attention to the eight attributes of supportive communication. The goal is to resolve each scenario effectively and efficiently through supportive communication.
1. You are the manager of the marketing department for a corporation. You oversee 25 employees. There are two employees who seem to be in constant conflict with one another because they do not know how to effectively communicate with each other. The inability to communicate effectively and constant conflict has affected the other workers and lowered productivity. You, as the manager, need to get the situation under control. What do you do? What advice can you offer about supportive communication?
Supportive communication is issue-oriented, not person-oriented. As the manager, it would be important for me to explain to each person that the issue at hand is that there is a lack of communication between the parties, and that neither of them is the problem. In order for the problem to be resolved, each employee should explain their thoughts and feelings regarding the issue so that each party can work through the communication barrier. This process ties to supportive ...

Solution provided by:
  • PhD, Capella University
  • MBA, Grantham University
  • BSc, Grantham University
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