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Strategic Marketing Plan

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Strategic Marketing Plan

Using this template, MKT640 Template, draft the following:

Objectives & Mission Statement
Target Market
Product/Service Features
Core Strategy
Marketing Mix: Communications & Promotion
Pricing Strategy

Abstract, Introduction, Conclusion
Pricing , if not already included
Channels of Distribution
Specify the type of distribution channel you will use and include rationale.

Customer Relationship Management
Detail how you will incorporate CRM into your plan. Be sure to include a discussion on the role of technology that will be used to support your CRM. '

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Solution Summary

Using this template, MKT640 Template, draft the following:

Objectives & Mission Statement
Target Market
Product/Service Features
Core Strategy
Marketing Mix: Communications & Promotion
Pricing Strategy

Solution Preview

A mission statement is the very reason for the existence of an organization. It is the foundation on which the entire organization is based. It is a concise summary of an organization's purpose and aims. It describes where the company stands today and where it wishes to be in future. Our Mission statement would be: To be a socially responsible company which provides a healthy, wholesome meal for everybody. Our company seeks to attain excellence through the best product development and building long term relationship with its customers.
Our objective would be to capture around 20% of market share by the end of the financial year by providing healthy balanced diet to our target segment. We would strive to achieve this objective by satisfying each individual's need of a nutritious breakfast packed in a convenient ready to use form.

Our target market would be all the adults and kids who are on tight schedule and requires ready to eat healthy breakfast or snack during the day. This product would be perfect for the working people who are always in a hurry and does not get enough time to sit and do their breakfast. With this product they would be able to better manage their lives.

There is intense competition in the breakfast food. The major players being Kellogg's, General Mills, Malt-O-Meal, Nestlé, Quaker Oats and Post Foods. No entry and exit barrier in this industry makes the competition fierce.

Our product would provide a well balanced breakfast meal for those who are always in a rush and does not get enough time to sit and do their breakfast. It would contain both the cereal content and ...

Solution provided by:
  • BCom, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi
  • MBA, Rochester Institute of Technology
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