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Why can you not take someone elses' T cells

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You have T cells that can respond to antigen A. Your spouse does not have T cells that respond to antigen A, so you offer to transfuse some of your T cells to your spouse. Why wouldn't it work? Be very specific.

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In discussing this question, we are going to make a number of simplifications. Just as people with the same job titles often have very different responsibilities, so it is with T cells. Most T cells with the CD8 type receptor recognize and kill virally-infected cells (but not always), and most T cells with the CD4 type receptor produce pro-inflammatory cytokines, driving an immune reaction forward (but not always). We will limit the discussion to a CD8 positive "killer" T cell, as that is likely to be the generic cell being discussed in the question. There exist many different T cells with unique functions and differing cellular markers. Because of this, any full understanding of the immune system will require some familiarity with the breadth of these effector cells. Probably the least painful way to do this is a perusal of Dr. Charlie Janeway's "Immunobiology 5," which is available online in it's entirety at the United State's National Library of Medicine. This is ...

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