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How do you know a team is struggling? How to fix?

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Discuss how you would know that your team was in conflict and what would be a technique you would use to resolve it. You may wish to research any conflict resolution models available in many credible academic journals and other reliable sources.

While you are conducting this research, also consider that no one model is without flaws or inconsistencies. You should always review differing opinions before coming to a conclusion about the most appropriate course of action.

Set up an example of how to improve team conflict using one of the resolution models you researched, and be specific.

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Signs that a team is in conflict, and suggestions (Web-based resources with URLs) on how to help resolve conflicts and move on to productive work.

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You can tell a team is in conflict when they are bogged down in details and cannot get the job done, or when there are personality differences causing sniping and gossip, or when there are struggles for leadership. These are common problems, but there can be others, as well.

From the following Web site:


Conflict arises from differences. When individuals come together in work teams their differences in terms of power, values and attitudes, and social factors all contribute to the creation of conflict. It is often difficult to expose the sources of conflict. Conflict can arise from numerous sources within a team setting and generally falls into three categories: communication factors, structural factors and personal factors (Varney, 1989).

When negative conflict does occur there are five accepted methods for handling it: Direct Approach, Bargaining, Enforcement, Retreat, and De-emphasis (Nelson, 1995). Each can be used effectively in different circumstances.
1. Direct Approach: This may be the best approach of all. It concentrates on the leader confronting the issue head-on. Though conflict is uncomfortable to deal with, it is best to look at issues objectively and to face them as they are. If criticism is used, it must be constructive to the recipients. This approach counts on the techniques of problem-solving and normally leaves everyone with a sense of resolution, because issues are brought to the surface and dealt with.
2. Bargaining: This is an excellent technique when both parties have ideas on a solution yet cannot find common ground. Often a third party, such as a team leader, is needed to help find the compromise. Compromise involves give and take on both sides, however, and usually ends up with both walking away equally dissatisfied.
3. Enforcement of Team Rules: Avoid using this method if possible, it ...

Solution provided by:
  • BFA, University of Georgia
  • BSEd, University of Georgia
  • MED, University of Georgia
  • EDd (IP), Northcentral University
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