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Difference between relations and fuction

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In the real world, what might be a situation where it is preferable for the data to form a relation but not a function?

There is a formula that converts temperature in degrees Celsius to temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. You are given the following data points:

Fahrenheit Celsius
Freezing point of water 32 0
Boiling point of water 212 100

Find the linear equation that expresses temperature in degrees Fahrenheit as a function of temperature in degrees Celsius.
Find the linear equation that expresses temperature in degrees Celsius as a function of temperature in degrees Fahrenheit.
How do the graphs of these two functions differ?
Do not just list the functions. You must show all of the steps you used to derive the functions.

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Solution Summary

The detailed solution explains the difference between the relation and function. It also includes step-by-step explanations on how to solve and graph the linear function between the two temperature units: Celsius and Fahrenheit.

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Please see the detailed solution and graphs in the attached file.

1. A "relation" is just a relationship between sets of information. Think of all the people in one of your ...

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