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role of ethics in advertising

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My manager's presentation turned out to be very successful and he would like me to put together a research paper to use as an example for your team. He has assigned me to research the following topic: the role ethics plays in the advertising industry. I need to choose different subtopics to address in my essay, as long as it pertains to the advertising industry overall and abides by the APA style. I need some additional research on the topic I chose for the in an earlier task and add it to this paper.

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The role of ethics in advertising is depicted.

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The media are one of the most powerful sources of communication and has the ability to influence our behaviors and thought processes. Many advertisements make statements but are those statements necessarily true? Can advertisers be deceptive? YES. Do advertisers take advantage of a desperate consumer? YES. Are advertisers ethical? THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE BUT ARE NOT ALWAYS ETHICAL.
One company comes to mind that is has a successful advertising campaign but the ads are truly deceptive. Capital One Credit Cards advertisements are ...

Solution provided by:
  • Master of Business Administration, University of Phoenix
  • Bachelor of Science in Paralegal Studies, Kaplan College
  • Business Diploma, Katharine Gibbs Business College for Women
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