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Business Office Procedures: Reinforcing English Skills and Planning/Organizing a Presentation

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Please help with the following 2 examples (see attached file).

(1) Reinforcing English Skills

Your colleague Christina Perez has asked you to review her ideas for a presentation she will give to train new employees in using the company e-mail system. She plans to create electronic slides for her presentation. A partial list of her ideas is provided below step 3.

Plan the flow of the presentation and place the material in logical order.
This e-mail system offers many advantages that will improve your efficiency and reduce the amount of time you are online. For example, you have lots more options that you can set. You can customize these settings for your particular needs. You get faster delivery times. The features include the following: You can upload and download files. You can automatically retrieve new incoming mail and send new outgoing mail. You can also get to the address book and retrieve data quickly and easily. Let's take a close look at the address book. You can store multiple e-mail addresses within an individual record. You can sort the records in the address book in alphabetical order. Or you can organize the address book to first display the addresses you use most frequently.

(2) Plan and Organize a Presentation:

In this activity, you will plan and organize a five-minute presentation to inform and educate your classmates. In later activities, you will prepare the visuals you plan here and give the presentation to your class.

Create a storyboard worksheet for each main idea in your topic. See Figure 5-2.1 for an example storyboard worksheet. Complete all parts of the storyboard worksheet, including ideas for the visual elements.
(You will create the actual visuals in a later activity).

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The solution discusses reinforcing English skills and planning/organizing a presentation.

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(1) Plan the flow of the presentation and place the material in logical order.
This e-mail system offers many advantages that will improve your efficiency and reduce the amount of time you are online. For example, you have lots more options that you can set. You can customize these settings for your particular needs. You get faster delivery times. The features include the following: You can upload and download files. You can automatically retrieve new incoming mail and send new outgoing mail. You can ...

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