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How to Write a Business Proposal

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From a manager to the owner of the company he works for. The proposal should be written as a memo. It should make use of headings as appropriate, and graphics as appropriate. It should be minimally divided into three sections that address the following concerns:

1. Background and introduction to the problem/situation
2. Statement of the Problem/Change
3. Recommended Solution(s)/Changes

The proposal must also deal with cost. There are several ways to do this, including creating a separate section of the proposal to deal with the budget, or discussing costs in the problem statement and the solution statement.

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This solutions provides a brief overview of how to create a proposal to begin using a paperless filing system. The response is in direct correlation to the problem/question as posted specifically. The information can be tailored to suit your individual needs.

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A business proposal is essentially a request to begin or end an initiative, venture or project.

Your assignment requests that you do the following:

Short proposal for a business to go paperless


From a manager to the owner of the company he works for. The proposal should be written as a memo. It should make use of headings as appropriate, and graphics as appropriate. It should be minimally divided into three sections that address the following concerns:

1. Background and introduction to the problem/situation
2. Statement of the Problem/Change
3. Recommended Solution(s)/Changes

The proposal must also deal with cost. There are several ways to do this, including creating a separate section of the proposal to deal with the ...

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