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Example of a coaching style

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Review Case Study 9-2, "What Is Your Coaching Style?". Conduct a self analysis of your personal coaching style. Identify and evaluate your style against quadrants proposed.



Below are 15 rows of four words each. From each row, select and circle two words out of the four that best describe the way you see yourself. [f all four words sound !Ike you,select the two that are

most like you. If none of the four sounds like you, select the two that are closest to the way you are. Then, total the number of words selected under each respective column.

B c
1 AU-business Bold Personable Deliberate
2 Organized Listening Telling Courteous Listening
3 Industrious Independent Companionable Cooperative
4 No-nonsense Decisive Talkative Reflective
5 Serious Determined Warm Careful
6 To-the-point Risk-taker Amiable Moderate
7 Practical Aggressive Empathetic Nonassertive
8 Self-controlled Authoritative Shows emotions Thorough
9 Goal-directed Assertive Friendly Patient
10 Methodical Unhesitating Sincere Prudent
11 Businesslike Definite Sociable Precise
12 Diligent Firm Demonstrative Particular
13 Systematic St rong-minded Sense of humor Thinking
14 Formal Confident Expressive Hesitative
15 Persevering Forceful Trusting Restrained

..Coachi ng Guides.Available online at http://www.specialolympics.org/SpecialtOlympics+Public+Website/English/ Coach/Coaching__Guides/Principles+of+Coaching/Developing-ta +Picture+Of+Your+Style.htm. Retrieved March 14,

CHAPTER 9 + Performance Management Skills 235

See attached for rest and better presentation....

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This is a brief description of a personal coaching style using parameters established by a classroom assignment

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This is an example, and the work done may not necessarily reflect how you think or feel. You will need to complete your own self-assessment to have this exercise reflect your thoughts and characteristics. Therefore the following example is a description of my style analysis. See the pdf attachment for style characteristics.

After choosing from the traits listed in case 9-2 and applying those choices to the grid provided, I appear to be slightly more the amiable expresser/persuader than the driver-analyzer. I think this analysis is fairly accurate of my style. I am an easygoing, compassionate, empathetic person, and I am only happy when others around me are happy. I strive to provide an environment where people are encouraged to perform at their maximum capability and take a sense of ownership in their jobs. I foster an environment where everyone can be happy and fulfilled while doing their jobs, where everyone's thoughts and ideas are valued, and where the only ...

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