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Handling situations a coach might face during instruction

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Provide a brief response to each of the questions below:

1. How do you coach someone and get them involved if they are not motivated to improve in this area?

2. Explain how you would resolve differences between your coaching style and the person(s) being mentored learning styles if these differences arose.

3. Explain how you would facilitate an environment that could ensure that those being mentored achieve the highest level of competence and understanding within their field.

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The solution discusses handling situations a coach might face during instruction.

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Provide a brief response to each of the questions below:

1. How do you coach someone and get them involved if they are not motivated to improve in this area?

One key to coaching someone is to connect with that person in an area in which s/he is interested. This enables the person to feel as though there is a natural connection between that area and the one in which the coach is trying to elicit improvement. It is not easy for all individuals to ask for or to receive help, but possibly another key to coaching someone is as an exchange of ...

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