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Organizational Behavior - Concepts and terminology

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Hello. I need help in answering this problem. The text I'm using:

Schermerhorn, John R. Jr., Hunt, James G., Osborn, Richard N.
Organizational Behavior, Ninth Edition
2005 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Problem -

Explain the following key concepts and terminology:
1) Organizational behavior
2) Organizational culture
3) Diversity
4) Communication
5) Organizational effectiveness and efficiency
6) Organizational learning
b. Provide examples of how these concepts and terms relate to your workplace.

Cite in APa format.

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The solution is a simulation using a place of work (in this case, Walmart) to provide a case staudy/analysis of organizational behaviour by explaining key concepts and terminologies and relating it to the case study simulation. The solution extensively explains organizational culture and collective behaviour in an essay written in the APA format replete with web and published references.

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OTA 105878

Organizational Behaviour & Culture

An organization is a secondary group. How a particular group behaves is studied under the label of Organizational behavior, also referred to as the organizational studies by utilizing varied theories drawn from the social sciences, especially sociology & philosophy to put together a systematic method of understanding human behavior, focusing on individual & group behavior & the varied mechanisms that influence & affect them. This particular field of study has become a focus of interest for business studies. While varied industries have their own specific approach to understanding organizational behavior (i.e. Industrial Psychology in the field of Engineering & Mechanics), in the business world, organizational studies as a focus of specialization has become an essential nonetheless due to the diversification & globalization of once local economies. Ethnicity, culture, social networks, perception, diversification, identity, relations, loyalty - these are just the many issues about the mechanics of human behavior in an organization that a successful player in the global economy focuses on. Culture happens within a social group. At the infancy of the group, practices are established, these practices and shared belief systems - values, rules - they contribute into what becomes the established group culture. In the organization I work in, Wal-Mart, since its infancy, its aim is to provide products at discount prices. This permeated into the work culture. The employees are approachable and casual and while there is a formal organizational hierarchy, communication is easy because of the semi-informal nature in individual stores ...

Solution provided by:
  • MPhil/PhD (IP), Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • MA, Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • Certificate, Geva Ulpan (via Universita Tel Aviv)
  • BA, University of the Philippines
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