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Organizational Management

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A. Using your personal experiences, prepare a 750-1,050-word paper in which you explain the following key concepts and terminology:
1) Organizational behavior
2) Organizational culture
3) Diversity
4) Communication
5) Organizational effectiveness and efficiency
6) Organizational learning
Provide examples of how these concepts and terms relate to your workplace

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Solution Summary

The solution is at least 750 words, which explains the following concepts and terminology in Organizational Management: Organizational Behavior, Organizational Culture, Diversity, Communication, Organizational Effectiveness and Efficiency, and Organizational Learning. Examples of these concepts and terms relating to one's workplace is also provided. References included.

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a. Using your personal experiences, prepare a 750-1,050-word paper in which you explain the following key concepts and terminology:
Provide examples of how these concepts and terms relate to your workplace

1) Organizational behavior
According to Debra Lamb-Deans, organizational behavior is the study of individuals and their behavior within the context of the organization in a workplace setting. It is an interdisciplinary field that includes sociology, psychology, communication and management. The organization's base rests on management's philosophy, values, vision and goals and this in turn drives the organizational culture composed of the formal organization, informal organization, and the social environment. The culture of the organization determines the type of leadership, communication, and group dynamics within the organization. An example of this is when the basis of organizational behavior model is collegial where there is a partnership with a managerial orientation of teamwork. The management meets with department heads, supervisors and representatives during regular meetings to discuss on important matters of the company.

2) Organizational culture - An organization's culture is commonly held-in-the-mind framework of the members of an organization which contains basic assumptions and values. These values and assumptions are developed over time as people in the organization learn to deal successfully with problems of external adaptation and internal integration. Culture arises out of what has been successful for the organization. In the school where I worked, the culture shows teachers and ...

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