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employee motivation

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Doctors have been complaining about a medical secretary that supports them. There is concern about the quality of her work and attendance, so a supervisor meets with the secretary. During that meeting, the secretary, who is a good performer based upon evaluations, discloses her lack of satisfaction with her job. The work is no longer interesting to her, and she feels that her improvement suggestions are not taken seriously by the doctors.

The supervisor approaches you for advice. Articulate on how the supervisor can help the employee.
Please discuss employee motivation, employee satisfaction, retention and productivity in the health care organization.

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Solution Summary

Doctors have been complaining about a medical secretary that supports them. There is concern about the quality of her work and attendance, so a supervisor meets with the secretary. During that meeting, the secretary, who is a good performer based upon evaluations, discloses her lack of satisfaction with her job. The work is no longer interesting to her, and she feels that her improvement suggestions are not taken seriously by the doctors.

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Supervisor can pursue different strategies to boost the motivation and morale level of the secretary. First of all, supervisor should sit down with the secretary and hear all her suggestions, opinions and feedback and convey such suggestions to doctors, so that they can evaluate such suggestions and make a serious effort to take actions on suitable ones. Supervisor should make an extra effort to ensure secretary that her voices will be heard and should convince doctors ...

Solution provided by:
  • BComm, University of Delhi
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Management (Equivalent to MBA), All India Management Association
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