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Details: Janet George is HHI's national sales manager, and is in the process of rolling out HHI's first elliptical walker machine. While the sales channels are the same for the treadmill equipment, the end users are a bit different. Janet is desperate to know how the new product is being received because she needs to give the manufacturing department a production forecast for the coming quarter - and the forecast is due in two weeks!

Assuming you have some time to work on this project, what information can you develop for Janet in the time frame available?

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The response addresses the queries posted in 846 words with references.

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The response addresses the queries posted in 846 words with references.

//The National Sales Manager of the HHI Company earned a good name and fame. The satisfaction of the customers is the prime objective of this company. The firm, in order to satisfy the customer needs concentrates upon building the high quality machinery. But for starting a paper like this; it is very essential to focus upon the case and to act upon it accordingly.//

The national sales manager of the company HHI is planning to process the rolling out of the first elliptical walker machine. It is assumed that the marketing remains the same as for the treadmill equipment. But the difference can be pointed out regarding the users associated with the product. Now, the requirement of the company is to calculate the ratio of the people that show their interest towards purchasing the product. The national sales manager requires forecasting the target market for the product.

//The next aspect deals with the forecasting, so that it will be helpful for the company in ...

Solution provided by:
  • MBA (IP), International Center for Internationa Business
  • BBA, University of Rajasthan
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