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PR Scenarios

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I am the Communications director (PR wizard) for my organization. I must draft a response to the following scenarios while keeping in mind these key elements:

What the issue(s) are or may be?

Who the various publics are along with the primary target audience(s)?

The impact and perceptions of the various communication tolls at my disposal.

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Public relations scenarios and responses to those scenarios by a PR professional.

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Scenario 1
Your company is in contract negotiations with the local union and union leadership has just gone to the media accusing management of unethical and illegal hiring practices, along with negotiating in 'bad faith'

As the Communications director, you have been informed of the situation and have been told to create a response. What (how, where, when, why, etc) would you do?

The recent release of information by the union leadership during a negotiation without the prior knowledge of the company is unfortunate and obviously we must disagree. We have an important and necessary relationship with our workers and the community and do not want them to misunderstand our position in the negotiations. That being said, it is also unfair for the workers to have the negotiations played out in the media where the workers will have to answer for any and all statements made by the union. It is our position that the statements are false and a ploy to gain an advantage that does not or will in the future exist, by having our current employees feel they were hired or employed under circumstances other than professional and ethical. To say otherwise is to mean that the way we do business, hiring or other,is in a manner that is unprofessional and serves to suggest our employees, our greatest resource is also unprofessional. In this we do not agree and wish to state that we appreciate all of our employees and their efforts in behalf of the quality they provide our customers. Therefore, as a statement of negotiation of "bad faith", we will allow you to draw your own conclusions as to who is negotiating in such a manner.
Thank you.

(Resignation is not an option)

Scenario 2
Your company, a human resource staffing and consulting company, is one of the largest and most prominent 'citizens' in the community. As you arrived to work one morning you are greeted by the members of the local media who want to know what your thoughts are about the previous night's arrest of the CEO for soliciting an undercover prostitute.

Since in your role, your are the company spokesperson for all contact with the media, it is your responsibility to effectively deal with the ...

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