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Two Negotiation Concepts

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Reflect upon two specific negotiation concepts. What are the specific concepts? What insight or ideas did you gain from learning each of these concepts? Were there aspects of the concepts that you would challenge? How (specifically) will you use this new wisdom in your current or future career?

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This posting presents two specific negotiation concepts and how to use them.

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The two specific negotiation concepts that I want to reflect on our BATNA and ZOPA. The BATNA means the best alternative to a negotiated agreement, and ZOPA means the zone of possible agreement.

First I reflect on BATNA. It is important because if talks fail I have the support of a reasonably attractive option to fall back on. If the negotiation fails I can implement the BATNA with minimal disruption. For example, if I were the manager of a plastic strapping plant and I had to purchase 10 tons of plastic pellets and I negotiate with a supplier that I want the supply at $50 per kg, The other party is asking for $60 per kg. My negotiating position is very strong because a local supplier is willing to sell me the 10 tons at $55 per kg. BATNA is useful because even if the other party offers me the pellets at $56 per kg, I can walk away from the negotiating table and purchase the pellets from the local supplier. The option of purchasing at $55 from the local supplier is my BATNA and it influences my negotiation. The concept of BATNA is that it is the most advantageous alternative that one party can take if the bargaining fails and an agreement cannot be reached. BATNA is the party's alternative if the negotiations fail. BATNA is used in negotiations because it provides an alternative if negotiations fail, it gives negotiating control, and it ...

Solution provided by:
  • MBA, Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management
  • BSc, University of Calcutta
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