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Conflict Behaviour

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Academic problem:
When you get into an argument or have conflict, either on an individual basis or in a team situation, which kinds of behaviors are you most likely to employ? How do these behaviors work for you? What kinds of things usually result when you use these behaviors? Would you like to do anything differently? Why? What does this have to do with conflict resolution in teams at work?

Student note:
Behaviors that I am most likely to employ are to make peace and agree to disagree to come up with a solution.

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The solution explains the concept of choice and human behaviour when confronted in a conflict-charged situation. It explains socialization and how environment and experience shapes identity and personality and provides additional insight by providing a narrative that shopws the authors personal behaviour patterns when confronted with conflict. Written in the APA format, attached is a word version for easy printing.

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Dear Student,
Below is your solution. The 'personal behaviour' part is based on my experience; I had to include it as this is necessary in explaining how personal behaviour play into organizational/group settings. Adapt as you will based on your own experience. Good Luck!

OTA 105878


How one reacts to an event, a challenge or takes action against or in relation to objects or changes in your environment refers to your manner of behaviour and taken in the long term, behavioural pattern reveals personality which indicates and/or contributes to one's identity. It is important to note that all living things create and reveal their own behavioural patterns and it establishes knowledge about them, take for instance the migrating behaviour of birds that are indicative of a pattern in their lifespan. Also, take the pattern of behaviour of the mimosa plant that when touched, leaves close immediately indicating motion & touch related defense mechanisms that have evolved in the plant species through the centuries. Behaviour is a fascinating subject to study. Studying human behaviour though is a complex undertaking. The complexity of the human nervous system assures this as establishment of behaviour patterns of organism depend on understanding the inner workings of their nervous systems and in us humans, that's quite a feat. Behaviour studies both the quantitative & qualitative qualities of it are of earnest interest to social & natural scientists - neurologists, doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, sociologists & even economists & political scientists. medically, the study of human behaviour allows for an understanding of the inner workings of the human mind and its chemical composition as, apparently, chemical reactions is what leads to motivation & physiological reactions, manifesting or affecting change in personality & disposition. In the Social Sciences however, behaviour and patterns in a mass setting allow for a better understanding of social agencies & the human network; for sociologists understanding the mechanics behind society is also important in preserving and maintaining its peace and order. Economists are interested in human behaviour as it helps them establish market trends while political scientists look to human behaviour to help them get a grip on society in terms of understanding what cultures & constituencies need & want in terms of governance & leadership.

What is acceptable behaviour is guided & shaped by our socialization and the culture we share in. For instance, a child growing up with devout catholic parents who introduced the child to the tenets of religion is likely to grow up a devout Catholic himself albeit ...

Solution provided by:
  • MPhil/PhD (IP), Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • MA, Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • Certificate, Geva Ulpan (via Universita Tel Aviv)
  • BA, University of the Philippines
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