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Organizational Behaviour: Control, Change Agents, and Impact

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Please Help! I need to research the following questions:

How can organizations control discrimination or disparate treatment of employees?
How about discrimination or disparate treatment of the community/customers/stakeholders?
How can the external change agents (political bodies, community groups, and other agencies/ impact an organization?
Why is understanding organizational behavior so important for managers?

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Solution Summary

The Solution explores the following questions and guidance to students by exploring the details behind the organizational behaviour concepts that are enclosed within the topic the questions take on:

How can organizations control discrimination or disparate treatment of employees?
How about discrimination or disparate treatment of the community/customers/stakeholders?
How can the external change agents (political bodies, community groups, and other agencies/ impact an organization?
Why is understanding organizational behavior so important for managers?

The solution is written in APA format and attached as a word file for easy printing.

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Dear Student,
Attached as well is the word version of your solution. I have drawn from the varied solutions I have created on the topic to provide an essay that I hope is insightful to the problems you presented above. If you have any questions on this solution, just send me a message. Good Luck!

OTA 105878

Organizational Control: Discrimination

Management is all about Logic & Critical thinking, an exercise in thinking through problems in a social hierarchy. Supervisors & upper management who lead & manage departments, divisions & particular working units of any organization are bound to encounter interpersonal conflict between members of the groups they manage. Organizations being social networks, conflicts between individuals are a natural occurrence however much avoided. With this in mind, managers & leaders are equipped with skills to mediate & manage conflict between individuals. Mediation of conflict is a necessary management skill. Understanding how to bridge differences & get to a compromise means creating a workplace that encourage positive interpersonal relations where communication is all about working together to achieve set goals. At times though, personal agenda & human emotions derail this & conflict sets bigger challenges when it is between a manager and an employee especially if the department they belong to is under great pressure to perform. One of the bigger problems faced by management is to ensure that discrimination or disparate treatment of employees do not happen. Hence, they put together policies - rules & regulations that set the boundaries to avoid discrimination & when it does, they also set mechanisms to ensure that it is mediated and solved. To find justice in any situation that involved disparate treatment of employees is always the goal and more often than not, involves legal measures within and from outside the firm to ensure that the social dilemma is addressed right according to set legal rules set by society. One of the most commonly adopted measure against employee discrimination is transparency & equal opportunity measures for individuals working for and wishing to work for the firm. Race & gender are not issues to deny anyone a job if they are qualified in most cases. Also, within firms, regular training & retraining on discrimination, sexual harassment and other issues raise awareness & set the standard for the firm. Effective communication between employees & management skills, ...

Solution provided by:
  • MPhil/PhD (IP), Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • MA, Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • Certificate, Geva Ulpan (via Universita Tel Aviv)
  • BA, University of the Philippines
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