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Behavior Therapy

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Hello. I need help in tackling the following question with regards to cognitive & behaviour therapy below. Your help & advice is greatly appreciated, Thank you very much. -

1. What are the basic assumptions of behavior theory?

2. Name two key figures who are important theorists in behavioral theory. What was (is) their function as a therapist?

3. What is the relationship between the clinician and the participant in behavioral therapy?

4. List three techniques or procedures used in this theory.

5. Briefly describe how you might use this theory if you were employed as a social service assistant, case management aide, residential counselor, community support worker, alcohol or drug abuse counselor, community support worker, life skills counselor, or gerontology aide in a human services setting.

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OTA 105878

Behavior Therapy

1. What are the basic assumptions of behaviour theory?
Behavior theory or behaviourism is noted by psychologists and therapists as the learning perspective; it is seen as a kind of psychological philosophy where all the actions, choices and expressions an organism does is considered observable phenomenon or data under the label of 'behaviours'(including feeling and thinking). Strict psychologists maintain that there is no relation between physiology & hypothetical constructs (i.e. love & the heart, the brain & the mind). Behaviour theorists however argue that the theories proposed & explored to study & explain human behaviour is not such a close cut case because for as long as there are observable phenomenon whether experienced in public or experienced from a very personal, very intimate point of view, then there are no philosophical differences between shared or unique experience. Behaviourism also recognizes the cognitive nature of human tendencies and a deep understanding of the varied theories of behaviour is seen to equip experts with the skills to explain, influence and cause human action especially in human conditioning wherein the desired action is positive change or cause rehabilitation/therapy for mental and emotional issues/anguish.

2. Name two key figures who are important theorists in behavioural theory. What was (is) their function as a therapist?
Since the early 19th century, behaviour theories included that of Gestalt on psychoanalysis, Ian Pavlov's work on classical conditioning, & Thorndike, Watson and Skinner's ...

Solution provided by:
  • MPhil/PhD (IP), Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • MA, Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • Certificate, Geva Ulpan (via Universita Tel Aviv)
  • BA, University of the Philippines
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