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Therapeutic Interventions

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-What is rational emotive behavior therapy?
-What is Cognitive behavior modification therapy?
-Discuss Similarities between Ellis's REBT and Meichenbaum's CBM (their philosophical assumptions)
-Differences in the philosophy and approach of each

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This solution discussses therapeutic approaches form Rational Emotive, and Cognitive Behavioral Modification therapies.

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Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and Cognitive Behavior Modification

(1) What is rational emotive behavior therapy?

The key assumption in cognitive therapy is that emotional reactions do not follow directly from the environment, and that emotional distress is based on how the individual interprets his or her reality. Rational emotive Therapy (REBT) is a cognitive therapeutic approach introduced by Albert Ellis (1962). REBT focuses on irrational beliefs that predisposes an individual to distress. With REBT, Ellis concentrated on explaining irrational beliefs based on themes of ideals such as a person's faith system. Ellis stressed thinking, judging, and deciding. In his view irrational thinking originated in early illogical thinking that an individual is disposed to from patents and culture. REBT holds that to understand self-defeating behavior, one must understand how a person thinks and feels.

(2) What is Cognitive behavior modification therapy?

Behavior modification is a systematic approach to changing behaviors through the principles of conditioning. (Plotnik, 636).The technique focuses on how one can change or modify behaviors in responses to influences that occur ...

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