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Information Processing Model

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1) Draw information processing model and describe how it functions
2) Describe key studies and what they demonstrate: Change Blindness Study, Stroop Effect, Flicker Test, Visual Search Task

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The expert draws information processing models and describes how it functions. The key studies are demonstrated are determined.

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I can't actually draw it here, but it is simple enough so that you can draw it yourself.

On the left is sensory input, what we see and hear. Then there is sensory memory, or the immediate remembrance of the images. This can, with repetition and practice, be stored in our short term memory (that's what we do when we're studying for a test).

If the short term memory is encoded, that is, is attached to other kinds of knowledge so it can be easily recalled, it becomes long term memory.

One quick example. In Russian, the word for juice is 'sok.' Whenever I think of juice, I think of a sock that you
wear on your feet. I imagine drinking juice from a sock. Bizarre as this is, I never forget the Russian word for juice. See what I mean? These associations encode information into our long term memory.

Change Blindness:

This is a strange one. The concept here is that, as we examine an object (say, a picture) and our eyes are moving over different parts of the images, we are blind to major changes that might be introduced into the picture. Some have gone so far as to prove that, in a conversation, switching your parter with a different person will go unnoticed, so long as the subject remains the same. It is almost ...

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