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Practice Questions in Basic Math

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Give the place values for the indicated digits

1. In the number 456, 719
(a) what digit tells the number of ten thousands and why please explain?

(b) also, what digit tells the number of hundreds in 456, 719

2. Name the property of addition that is illustrated explain your choice of property.

(a) 9+7=7+9
(b) 5+0= 5

3. In this exercise for various treks by a hiker in a mountainous region, the starting elevations and various changes are given. Determine the final elevation of the hiker in this case.

(a) Starting elevation 6,907 feet, decrease of 511 feet, decrease of 203 feet, increase of 419

3. Round the following number to the indicated place please explain
(a) 931,000, the nearest ten thousand

4. Please solve the problem and explain why

Business and finance. Amir bought several items at the hardware store: Hammer, $8.95; screwdriver, $315; pliers, $6.90; wire cutters, $4.25; and sandpaper; $1.89. Please estimate the cost of Amir's bill

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