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Historical Event Change

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This posting selects a historical event and alters what would you have done differently. It also examines the impacts of this change.

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This posting chooses an event and revises it.

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As you experience the opportunity to change a piece of history, please allow this idea to guide you:

What is the event? You might think abut choosing the Cold War.

Why did you select this particular event?

I select this particular event for its financial, political, human, global, and environmental ramifications. In terms of environmental effects, I select it because it created so much weapons-related nuclear pollution.

Please note that in terms of economics, it cost trillions of dollars for weapons that could have been used on social needs. Research suggests "some $8 trillion ($8,000,000,000,000) was spent, worldwide, on nuclear and other weapons between 1945 and 1996" (http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/cold.war/episodes/24/epilogue/).

I also choose it because it forced America into long political discussions that could have been used instead of more humanitarian causes during that time.

Finally, it encompassed massive death tolls in worldwide areas such as Korea, Vietnam, and Afghanistan, Kosovo, etc. It even extended into Central American with Nicaragua, El Salvador, etc. Since I have visited ...

Solution provided by:
  • BS , Slippery Rock University
  • MA, Slippery Rock University
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