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Women's Role in Early Ismaic and Han Chinese Societies

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Compare and contrast the life of women in Han China with that of woman in early Islam and those countries today?

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The solution provides information, assistance and advise in tackling the task (see above) on the topic of women's role in early Islamic and Han Chinese societies.

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AE 105878/Xenia Jones

Women in the past: cultural roles in early Islamic and Chinese (Han) societies

Social practices and attitudes, like most cultural mores are situated sociologically and historically. This is true for roles assigned to gender. For example, the role and attitudes towards women in early societies can differ from the present. This is because the demands of the time impact the ideas and accepted practices towards socio-culturally defined roles. Imagine for instance the prehistoric period of human history. In that time period, women who have become mothers would have the biological ability to feed their offspring (via nursing them with breast milk) (Rice, 1981) while their mate, the father, would have the physical ability to look for food and look after the safety of the mother and child. In this manner, the roles in the small family unit would have been defined by their needs, their abilities and the situation of the time. Below, we will look at the role of women in early Islamic society and compare it to the role of women in early Chinese (Han) society.

Society Attitudes & Beliefs Practices

Early Han Chinese

Men in early Han society are the core of the family creating a patriarchal attitude. Ancestors are linked through this patrilinial (Ebrey, 2022) line. With men holding power in society, women are seen as the weaker sex whose appearance in historical records are either as schemers or as muses and foil in a hero's story. Women can be loyal, brave and devoted but also raise intrigue, ...

Solution provided by:
  • MPhil/PhD (IP), Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • MA, Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • Certificate, Geva Ulpan (via Universita Tel Aviv)
  • BA, University of the Philippines
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