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Vitamins and nutrition

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Examine the label of a jar of multivitamins?either one that you currently take or one that is sold in a store.

Determine if the multivitamin would meet the recommended daily intake for adults for vitamins and minerals.

Relate the vitamin and mineral amounts in the multivitamin to your diet.

What are some of the benefits you stand to receive by taking it every day?

Does taking a multivitamin every day raise your intake of a particular vitamin or mineral to near-toxic levels?

What are the consequences of toxicity?

Please see attached document for full details. Thank You!!

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Solution Summary

Examination of a multivitamin as to how it meets or does not recommended daily intact of vitamins and minerals with some examination of potential toxicity.

Solution Preview

Comparing the one a day woman's nutritional components and the daily requirement table included reveals that only the following daily values were met by one dose: vitamin D (800 UI provided compared to 400-800 UI needed), thiamin (1.5 mg vs. 1.1-1.2 mg), riboflavin (1.7 mg vs. 1.1-1.3 mg), vitamin B6 (2 mg vs. 1.3-1.7 mg), folic acid (400 ug vs. 400 ug), vitamin B12 (6 ug vs. 2.4 ug), biotin (30 ug vs. 30 ug), pantothenic acid (5 mg vs. 5 mg), iron (18 mg vs. 18 mg), zinc (15 mg vs. 8-11 mg), copper (2 mg vs. 0.9 mg), manganese (2 mg vs. 1.8-2.3 mg), ...

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