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FEMA: Failure Mode and Effects Analysis

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What is Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)?

In the context of risk management, how can it be used to improve processes in healthcare organizations?

What impact can it have on preventing sentinel events?

What are JCAHO's requirements in this case?

What should be said to people who believe FMEA was not designed to be used in healthcare and to "force" it to work with a healthcare based risk management program will result in faulty analysis and actually increase risks?

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The expert examines the failure modes and effects analysis

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What is FMEA?
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) - a method of evaluating a process to identify how and why it can potentially fail. It also assesses the consequences of specific failures in order to determine the parts of the process that are most in need of change. This method is effective because it doesn't entail waiting for a failure to occur to observe the adverse effects. Instead, it attempts to catch and prevent potential problems from occurring in the first place by correcting the processes where necessary.

In healthcare centers, a FMEA team consisting of employees from various departments is developed. The team members should be knowledgeable of the processes within the organization.

There are two main types of FMEA:
1) Process- focuses on how processes that make the product may wind up failing.
2) Design- how product design can potentially fail

There are many steps to the FMEA ...

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