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Workplace generational strategies for cooperation

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Task Name: Phase 3 Individual Project

Details: Many groups make up a diverse workforce. Age or generational categorization is one of the ways to define specific groups within the organization. There are currently 4 generations in the workforce. You have been asked to suggest ways to address the needs and desires of the different generations. Present your ideas in a letter to your VP. Include all your ideas, how they would be implemented, and how each would be evaluated for effectiveness.

Discuss the four generations, including the unique perspective that each generation brings to the workforce, how they approach work and the differences that have been researched on each of the generations. Include recommendations of activities, programs and approaches the organization can use to bring the generations together in a working environment and maximize each generationâ??s contribution.

The generations would include the Baby Boomers (1946-1964), the X-ers (1965-1977), the Y-ers (1978-1986), and the Millennial (Born after 1987). Each generation brings some good qualities. For example, the Baby Boomers bring a perspective of "pay your dues" while the X-ers are socially conscious (Forman & Carlin, n.d.).

How can the different perspectives be addressed for each group to maximize this element of a diverse workforce?


Forman, P. J., & Carlin, L. (n.d.) The age of change: Multiple generations in the workforce. Retrieved March 8, 2010, from http://www.globallead.com/WeConnect/Oct05/ageofchange.html

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Solution Summary

Strengths and weaknesses of various generations of workers at a company are discussed, with reference URLs. Recommendations are provided to two low-cost programs to help foster employee cooperation, tolerance and respect. Model sample letter included.

Solution Preview

To approach solving this assignment, first research the four generations. Each generation of workers within your company has particular strengths and weaknesses. It might help to make a chart listing particular strengths and weaknesses of each generation so you can clearly see their differences and check off that you have made provisions for and included discussion about each generation's particular characteristics. PLEASE add to this list things from the cited article that particularly caught your eye, or that intrigued you.

Baby Boomers:
Strengths: Pay your dues, politically activist, confident of self, desire freedom of expression (for everybody), more military service, high expectations, idealistic

Weaknesses: Due to retire soon, not confident of authority, prefer not to change jobs, workaholic

Generation X:
Strengths: Socially conscious, entreprenurial, pragmatic, desire to update job skills, appreciate quality of life and work balance

Weaknesses: Low level of trust for authority, desire freedom not to work, weak family bonds, apathetic

Generation Y:
Strengths: environmentally conscious, willing to volunteer

Weaknesses: Smaller group

Millenial Generation:
Strengths: digital natives, rule oriented, ethnically and racially diverse, educated, long time until retirement, traditional values, high level of trust for ...

Solution provided by:
  • BFA, University of Georgia
  • BSEd, University of Georgia
  • MED, University of Georgia
  • EDd (IP), Northcentral University
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