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Strategies to Monitor Student Understanding

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What are four strategies that a teacher could use in a math class to check a student's understand of the lesson and material?

What is a monitoring system that could be used in a classroom to identify and assist students requiring additional instruction or care (ELL, special needs, etc).

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This solution provides four strategies teachers can use to monitor their student's understanding of the lesson plan and identifies a monitoring system to assist teachers in supporting students with additional needs.

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What are four strategies that a teacher could use in a math class to check a student's understand of the lesson and material?

Four strategies appropriate for monitoring are: checking students understanding of the material, assigning, collecting, and grading homework, conducting periodic reviews in class, and formative testing.

Physically going through the classroom checking each student's individual work while in class and discussing their understanding is a form of monitoring that would be effective for math class as it allows for a personal approach for the teacher and student. The student's individual capabilities or lack thereof are analyzed before they become even more problematic, hindering the child's progression in math. Because math is a subject that builds upon previously learned information, it is vital to catch students who are falling behind before entering into another ...

Solution provided by:
  • Associates of Arts , Lone Star Community College
  • Bachelor of Science , Sam Houston State University
  • Masters of Science, Kaplan University
  • Masters of Science , Kaplan University
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