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Marketing Plan - Amazon Cable

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Use the product or service selected for a marketing plan (product or service is Amazon Cable).

- A SWOTT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and trends) analysis on the new product or service. (Amazon Cable)

- Stage of the product life cycle.

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The expert examines the marketing plan for Amazon Cables.

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- A SWOTT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and trends) analysis on the new product or service. (Amazon Cable)

Brand name and brand loyalty
Excellent customer service
Company supports and uses the most technologically advanced systems
Company innovates technology and sales offerings
Has Kindle to test product and reliability

Too much emphasis on the Kindle product can take away from other new ventures
Likes to innovate, but often moves too quickly in the market, has to regroup and revamp
Large line of products and services for employees and company strategic planning
Must create a market for the product
High costs to get it to the market and build the ...

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