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Advertising: creativity and effectively accomplishing goals?

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Select an advertisement of your choice. This can be from a magazine, TV, radio, online, or other print media. Study the advertisement and think about it in terms of its creativity as well as its ability to reach and engage its intended audience. Describe the advertisement and evaluate whether it accomplishes its goals effectively? Please explain how and why it does or why not.

Now, switch your analysis angle from that of a consumer to that of a planner for the organization, how do you think this advertisement aligns with the organization's strategic marketing plan? Or does it? Please explain your rationale for either how and why it does or does not and provide examples to illustrate your ideas.

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The basis for the analysis is that humans often view situations (or in this case, ads) from their own, personal bias. The marketers look at a product in one way, especially since they are very familiar with the product. Consumers might see that same product differently. Competition for consumers' attention is stiff these days. So the marketing/product message needs to come across accurately, quickly, and specifically for the target market. How can that goal be accomplished?

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Hello! I am happy to help with problem. The basis for the analysis is that humans often view situations (or in this case, ads) from their own, personal bias. The marketers look at a product in one way, especially since they are very familiar with the product. Consumers might see that same product differently. Competition for consumers' attention is stiff these days. So the marketing/product message needs to come across accurately, quickly, and specifically for the target market. For example, a person might think that an outfit looks very professional on him or her ...

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