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Current competitors and define the competitive landscape

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Analyze the following:

Theorectically Dunkin Donuts is going to be starting a catering service geared towards businesses .

Analyze the current competitors and define the competitive landscape for the catering service that Dunkin Donuts will provide.

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The expert defines the competitive landscapes for current competitors.

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The solution is in the attached document and has plenty of ideas in 500 words to get you started.

Dunkin Donuts is known for its wide selection of donuts and sweets, as well as for its coffee.
To compete in the catering industry, the organization must focus on what it does best and how it
can compete. Catering to businesses will likely mean the organization will be focusing on operations
for the morning hours. Breakfast may be served in organizations from 6am to 10am, depending on
the nature of the business. For a local newspaper, breakfast may begin as early as 4am. "customers
often can stretch their food dollars further on less expensive, but higher-margin menu items such as
eggs, pastries and coffee" (Ruggless, 2009). There is a market for products offered by Dunkin
Dunkin Donuts has an opportunity to become one of the first national ...

Solution provided by:
  • MEd, Jones International University
  • BSc, DeVry University
  • MPH, Walden University
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