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Woody 2000 Project Progress Monitoring and Control

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a. Would a good baseline plan have helped to make up time?

b. Draw a responsibility chart for effective control.

c. What would you have done when you saw that the project would not meet its schedule?

d. Project records were apparently poor, what records should have been kept and how?

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Solution Summary

This solution is comprised of a detailed explanation of:

1. If a good baseline plan would have had and impact on the schedule for the Woody 2000 Project

2. Contains a responsibility chart for effective project control

3. Project control contingency plans for project schedule adherence

4. Project record keeping and methodology

Solution Preview

A. Yes a good baseline would have helped to make up for schedule slack but it could not have been done without also have a concrete project plan (which this project lacked). The budget, scope and schedule for the project were not adequately defined, so there would have been nothing to baseline off of.

B. (Please see attachment) - The responsibility chart or responsibility matrix is the answer for question B. What it ...

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