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Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK)

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Scenario - Your company, LRH Products, is about to attend a major trade show event in another city. You, a member of the marketing team, have been selected to manage the project. The project includes all the activities necessary to update the trade show display, re-stock the collaterals (brochures, signs, presentations), order new give aways, transport the trade show materials, and make all travel arrangements. At this time, you do not need to update any of the printed collaterals, but the presentation will likely need some small modifications. The sales people who will staff the booth also need to be identified, notified, and trained. Clothing may also be necessary to order for them.

You will start this project ten weeks before the event; the display needs to be shipped ten calendar days before the event begins to ensure adequate time for set-up by the on-site trade show staff. You have adequate budget, which was prepared by the marketing manager based on the costs from the last show.

You have a small team of people to help you complete the project. You are available to work up to 16 hours a week on the project. As the newest person in the marketing department, you are not very familiar with the products or what has been done at previous trade shows. You have significant experience organizing trade show events since you used to work from one of the competitors. You also have experience training sales staff. You do not know the vendors with whom you will work on this project, such as the printer and give away supplier. You do have the following individuals to draw upon their expertise for help and guidance.


Hours available per week 12

Related ExperienceHas been involved with the trade show for the past several years. Is very knowledgeable about the products and has a solid working relationship with the sales staff.

Comments - Likes to update the collaterals, especially the presentation. Is comfortable training the sales staff, but doesn't always cover the material correctly. Will go on vacation four weeks prior to the trade show and will be off for two weeks.


Hours available per week 8

Related Experience Administrative assistant for the marketing department and has been involved in preparations for several trade shows.

Comments Enjoys working on the give-aways and presentations. Does not enjoy making travel arrangements and tends to make mistakes there. May be pulled away from this project to support more time-critical activities.

Task needing assistance -

The Marketing Manager of LRH Products is very impressed with your work thus far and has asked you to be part of a group formed to create some project management corporate training documentation.

Your role is to be the expert in the following topic area - research should be done on the following topic area to formulate a ppt presentation -

Project Management Body of Knowledge - Describe the purpose of PMBOK, how it is developed, and how it can be used.

***I have attached the research that I have gathered thus far however any assistance would be greatly appreciated!****

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Explanation of the purpose of the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK), how it is developed and used.

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Let's look at what we have then.

1. Describe the purpose of PMBOK.

"The Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) is a collection of processes and knowledge areas generally accepted as best practice within the project management discipline. Thus, as an internationally recognized standard (IEEE Std 1490-1998), the purpose of PMBOK it to provide the fundamentals of project management, irrespective of the type of project, be it construction, software, engineering, automotive etc" (Project Smart, 2005). Specifically, PMBOK is a five-stage process that can be used as a project guide to successfully accomplish the objectives, goals and specific tasks of the project.

2. How it is developed, and

In other words, the PMBOK was developed through the collection of the processes and knowledge that was generally accepted as best practice within the project management discipline.

From the literature, for example, it was recognized that "projects are composed of processes" (The Project Management Institute, 1996) and a process can be defined as "series of actions bringing about a result. Given this information, project management processes could clearly be organized into five groups" (The Project Management Institute, 1996). Thus, the following groups or lifecycles were developed:

1. Initiating - "The Initiating Process is the conceptual element of project management?the basic processes that should be performed to get the project started. This starting point is critical because those who will deliver the project, those who will use the project, and those who have a stake in the project need to reach an agreement on its initiation. Stakeholders may be able to exert influence that can positively or negatively affect the Project Team's ability to successfully complete the project, so it is very important to involve and manage, to the extent possible, all stakeholders in the Process Group activities. By garnering the buy-in and shared ownership of the project by the stakeholders, it generally improves the probability of satisfying customer requirements." (Department of Veteran Affairs, 2005)

2. Planning -

"The Planning Process is considered the most important Process Group in project management. Time spent up front identifying the proper needs and structure for organizing and managing a project saves countless hours of confusion and rework during the Executing and Monitoring and Controlling Process Groups. Project planning defines project activities that will be performed, the products that will be produced, and describes how these activities will be accomplished and managed. Project planning defines each major task, estimates the time, resources and cost required, and provides a framework for management review and control. Planning involves identifying and documenting scope, tasks, schedules, cost, risk, quality, and staffing needs." (Department of Veteran Affairs, 2005)

3. Executing -

"Once a project moves into the Executing Process, the Project Team and all necessary resources to carry out the project should be in place and ready to perform project activities. The Project Management Plan is completed and ...

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