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Project planning activities presentation

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You have completed the project planning activities and are now ready to share the results with the project team. You have scheduled a project kick-off meeting in two weeks and are now preparing your materials.
Develop a 10 - 15 slide presentation that you will use for the kick-off meeting. In the presentation, identify the participants of the meeting, the objectives of the meeting, the meeting agenda, and the project's objectives. Use the remaining slides to share key results from your project planning activities, such as the scope control system and the communication mechanisms that will be used.
In the communication plan, identify the audiences that must be reached. For each audience, describe the communication mechanism, the frequency of communication, the format, other involved parties, and associated responsibilities.
Be sure your presentation meets the standards for an effective presentation that you have learned in other courses.

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Solution Summary

The response addresses the queries posted in 12 slides (1982 words) with references.

Solution provided by:
  • MBA (IP), International Center for Internationa Business
  • BBA, University of Rajasthan
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