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BizRate.com as a channel of distribution

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Provide a detailed analysis of the three characteristics of BizRate that makes it different from traditional channels of distribution. Identify three factors that account for its incredible success as a channel of distribution. Identify one factor that may hinder its success.

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BizRate.com, doing business as Shopzilla, rates businesses so you can choose the best. The shopping search engine lists products from 45,000 retailers offering clothing, electronics, DVDs, and other products. Its proprietary search algorithm, ShopRank, orders results by relevance, weighing factors such as price, popularity, availability of products, and the reputation of stores that sell them. Within equal relevance brands, stores that pay a fee are listed above those that do not. The company also sells marketing research. Founded in 1996 by chairman Farhad Mohit, CTO Henri Asseily, and David Reibstein, former vice dean of the Wharton School, BizRate.com assumed "Shopzilla" as its corporate identity in 2004.

Large number of stores and products from automotives to office supplies, computers to home and garden, the departments are well sorted.
The shopper does not have to go to the mall to do his shopping. The range of products which they offer makes it the equivalent of the internet all encompassing departmental store. The reason this makes the site ...

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