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Great Foods! Marketing Plan

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You have asked several of your fellow managers at Great Foods! Inc. for their professional advice.

Please use the following outline to complete your marketing plan:

title page
executive summary
mission statement
country market selection
competitive environment
target market
product strategy
distribution strategy
communication strategy
pricing strategy

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Great Foods! Marketing Plan is discussed very comprehensively in this explanation..

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You have asked several of your fellow managers at Great Foods! Inc. for their professional advice.

Please use the following outline to complete your marketing plan:

Title page

Executive summary

Great Foods! Inc follows a strategy of high quality, low prices and excellent reputation to expand to the neighboring states of Illinois during the next year. It is planned that during the next five years Great Foods! Inc will expand to all states in the USA and will be on the threshold of exporting. Great Foods! Inc will have its own fleet of delivery trucks and will deal direct with its retailers.

Great Foods! Inc is grocery wholesaler that has contacts with several sources that ensures the finest supplies of groceries. In addition, Great Foods! Inc is also a wholesaler for certain clothing and household items. Great Foods! Inc has excellent sources for most of the items it deals with and this ensures excellent quality and low prices.

Mission statement:
Great Foods! Inc will become the largest supplier of finest groceries at the most competitive prices in the world.

Country market selection:
Great Foods! Inc is currently located at Highland, Illinois. During the next twelve months, Great Foods! Inc will develop wholesale business in the markets of Indiana, ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc , University of Calcutta
  • MBA, Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management
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