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Diversity in the Workplace

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How can the top tier management promote and influence the lower level management tiers to engage and participate in diversifying their ranks when the top tier management ranks are not diverse?

I am having a difficult time wrapping my arms around this concept and understanding how you can hold individuals (managers) accountable to execute an initiative when you yourself are not walking the walk per se. Unfortunately this is why most initiatives do not extend past the initial conversation. I truly believe that the attitude of a group has a direct correlation to the leadership style and attitude. Too often organizations in order to do business with the US government has to meeting particular guidelines that gives a particular organizational perception. Unfortunately it is mostly on paper as evidence to show effort exerted and plans in place to strategically reach the desired goal. I have been nominated to attend Diversity conferences regularly; however, in my opinion its too much talk and not enough actionable results. I am seeking results and purpose. What are we as an organization seeking to accomplish? What are the steps in place to get us there? What did the organization look like prior to the infusion of diversity? What does the organization look like today? What is the long term strategy? And what mechanisms are in place to ensure we do not loose this momentum? These are the discussions I am looking to have, not what statistics show--that is not new. We can study this to death and the results will remain the same until we take action. Sorry I digress... But I would like to hear other perspectives on diversity--different from AA, which is an entire different discussion.


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This solution discusses how to promote diversity in the workplace if top management is not diversified. Includes APA formatted reference.

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You've pointed out an interesting situation regarding diversification. Maybe it might help by identifying why the top tier management is not more diversified. Did the top tier of management earn their positions through tenure or knowledge, skills, and abilities? Or perhaps there is an organizational problem where only a certain "type" of employee is seen appropriate ...

Solution provided by:
  • BA, University of Southern California
  • MSS, United States Sports Academy
  • Ed.D, Boise State University
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