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This post addresses IT and the HRIS environment issues.

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Either look at your present employer or select another organization of your choice and interview

1) HR executives and managers with the question: What would you do differently in the future from your last IT project regarding how you interacted with IT technical people? In other words, what did you learn about them from your last project with them that will help you on future projects?

2) IT technical staff members with the question: What would you do differently in the future from your last IT project regarding how you interacted with HR corporate executives or managers and their staff members with whom you dealt? In other words, what did you learn about them from your last project with them that will help you on future projects?

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Solution Summary

The solution provides thorough discussion to the following:

1) HR executives and managers with the question: What would you do differently in the future from your last IT project regarding how you interacted with IT technical people? In other words, what did you learn about them from your last project with them that will help you on future projects?

2) IT technical staff members with the question: What would you do differently in the future from your last IT project regarding how you interacted with HR corporate executives or managers and their staff members with whom you dealt? In other words, what did you learn about them from your last project with them that will help you on future projects?

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1) There are a few things I would do differently based on the interaction and events that took place with our IT technical people. Our last project was a very large, complex project. We completely redesigned every part of our IT system to include the latest upgrades and newest technologies throughout the company, including all members of management that have remote access. Due to the size of the project, it took several months from start to finish. The IT department basically removed every computer, server, and connection and started from scratch with all equipment. Due to the amount of data stored on our databases, this was an extensive project. As a member of management, I was also extremely involved with the coordination of this project, particularly because I am the Chief Operating Officer and oversee all major projects as part of my routine duties. The main thing that I learned is the when IT projects are large, there are inevitable ...

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