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limited organizational resources

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Generally management is defined as "The effective and efficient use of limited organizational resources to achieve organizational goals and to maximize productivity".

Discuss the Managerial Accountant's role in achieving these objectives. Take into consideration the three broad functions of management in this discussion, (i.e. planning, organizing and controlling).

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This explanation provides you a comprehensive argument relating to limited organizational resources

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Generally management is defined as "The effective and efficient use of limited organizational resources to achieve organizational goals and to maximize productivity". Discuss the Managerial Accountant's role in achieving these objectives. Take into consideration the three broad functions of management in this discussion, (i.e. planning, organizing and controlling).

The managerial accountant is concerned with providing information to managers in an organization to enable them to make informed business decisions that help them be better equipped in decision making and controlling. It helps management make a better use of the limited resources by ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc , University of Calcutta
  • MBA, Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management
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