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Human Resources Management

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1. What are the benefits of a new HRIS? What are the costs associated with it? Consider both tangible and non-tangible benefits and costs in your answer.

2. Why is it important to estimate the benefits of a new HRIS before you estimate the costs? If the costs were estimated first, how might this change the analysis? Use examples to support your answer.

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The benefits of the new HRIS are determined. The cost associated with it are given.

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Human Resources Management
In 200-300 words each:
1. What are the benefits of a new HRIS? What are the costs associated with it? Consider both tangible and non-tangible benefits and costs in your answer.
The benefits of a new HRIS (Human Resources Information System) are there are all new innovations to the software that are beneficial in not only saving time in collecting data but in processing reports. The updates coming from the same company that you purchased the HRIS package and everything should be up to code and it makes auditing much more reliable.
According to compareHRIS.com (2011), purchasing the HRIS is a wise choice. It is expensive due to the layers of software it accommodates such as attendance, time collections, training, recruiting, email alerts, benefits, and all the reporting features it has. Normally, this software is very expensive anywhere from $3,000 to $40,000 for an average package (CompareHRIS.com). This software can be hosted though so that the ...

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